Commit Snapshot,
The DC vocabulary is a subset of the vocabulary maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
1. Namespace
2. Annotation Properties
2.1. contributor
2.2. coverage
2.3. creator
2.4. date
2.5. description
2.7. hasVersion
2.8. identifier
2.9. language
2.10. publisher
2.11. relation
2.12. rights
2.13. source
2.14. subject
2.15. title
2.16. type
Terms defined by this specification
- contributor, in § 2.1
- coverage, in § 2.2
- creator, in § 2.3
- date, in § 2.4
- description, in § 2.5
- format, in § 2.6
- hasVersion, in § 2.7
- identifier, in § 2.8
- language, in § 2.9
- publisher, in § 2.10
- relation, in § 2.11
- rights, in § 2.12
- source, in § 2.13
- subject, in § 2.14
- title, in § 2.15
- type, in § 2.16