Commit Snapshot,
The XSD vocabulary is a subset of the corresponding vocabulary maintained by the W3C.
1. Namespace
2. Imports
3. Scalars
3.1. NCName
3.3. Name
3.4. anyURI
3.5. base64Binary
3.6. boolean
3.7. byte
3.8. dateTime
3.9. dateTimeStamp
3.10. decimal
3.11. double
3.12. float
3.13. hexBinary
3.14. int
3.15. integer
3.16. language
3.17. long
3.18. negativeInteger
3.19. nonNegativeInteger
3.20. nonPositiveInteger
3.21. normalizedString
3.22. positiveInteger
3.23. short
3.24. string
3.25. token
3.26. unsignedByte
3.27. unsignedInt
3.28. unsignedLong
3.29. unsignedShort
Terms defined by this specification
- anyURI, in § 3.4
- base64Binary, in § 3.5
- boolean, in § 3.6
- byte, in § 3.7
- dateTime, in § 3.8
- dateTimeStamp, in § 3.9
- decimal, in § 3.10
- double, in § 3.11
- float, in § 3.12
- hexBinary, in § 3.13
- int, in § 3.14
- integer, in § 3.15
- language, in § 3.16
- long, in § 3.17
- Name, in § 3.3
- NCName, in § 3.1
- negativeInteger, in § 3.18
- NMTOKEN, in § 3.2
- nonNegativeInteger, in § 3.19
- nonPositiveInteger, in § 3.20
- normalizedString, in § 3.21
- positiveInteger, in § 3.22
- short, in § 3.23
- string, in § 3.24
- token, in § 3.25
- unsignedByte, in § 3.26
- unsignedInt, in § 3.27
- unsignedLong, in § 3.28
- unsignedShort, in § 3.29